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Our team is diligently looking for ways to improve the Rentastic app. As of the moment though, we do not support generating an all-in-one cash flow report for multiple properties that you added.

Don’t worry though, you are still able to export cash flow reports for each property and have yourself or your bookkeeper consolidate them. Here’s a quick guide to doing that.

  1. From the left menu, click on Reports and look for Cash Flow Report then click on Generate Report.

    Cash Flow Reports Structure in Rentastic
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose which property you need to generate a cash flow for.

    Cash Flow Report Feature in Rentastic
  3. You are given two options for the file type, whether to generate it as a PDF copy or a CSV copy. Choose the one that works for you. See the following images as examples.

PDF Sample

Exported Cash Flow Report via PDF in Rentastic

CSV Sample

Export CSV view from Rentastic