Linking your bank account in Rentastic is a straightforward process that allows you to seamlessly manage your financial transactions within the platform. By following a few simple steps, you can securely connect your bank account and enjoy the convenience of automated payment processing and transaction tracking. Log in to your Rentastic account using your […]
Some users prefer seeing all transactions and for some, it works best to see 3 to 6 months worth of transactions. Rentastic gives you the freedom to adjust your transactions based on your preferences. To do this, click on Settings located on the menu bar under Extra. Under ‘Only display transactions from:’, pick your preferred […]
“Refresh my transactions” or refreshing your bank account may do the trick if some transactions are still not showing up and you already contacted your bank to advise that your transactions are not reported to Plaid. How to do that? Under Administration, click on Bank Accounts. From your Connected Accounts, choose which bank has missing […]
Rentastic strives to provide accurate calculations and reliable data for rental property owners. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our calculations, we acknowledge that mistakes can happen, as we are all human after all. We have implemented robust algorithms and rigorous testing procedures to ensure the calculations within Rentastic are accurate […]