CFPU (Cash Flow Per Unit) is another performance metric used by real estate investors to gauge the profitability of a specific investment. CFPU is based off a rolling 12-month period. If your data looks lower (or higher) than expected, and you haven’t yet been tracking a property through Rentastic for a full year, be patient […]
If your ‘Zestimate’ is showing as $0, there are two likely reasons: Zillow doesn’t currently have any data on your property Your property address doesn’t exist
NOI (short for Net Operating Income) is a metric used by real estate investors to analyze the profitability of a given property. NOI is calculated on before-tax income. NOI is very easy to calculate. It’s simply the income generated by the property, minus all reasonable expenses (excluding financing and capital expenditures). Also see: Why does […]
The ‘Cap Rate’ (short for Capitalization Rate) is a metric used by real estate investors to show the rate of return a given property is expected to earn. This value is generated based off the net income a property generates. To calculate the cap rate of a given property, we use the following formula: Capitalization […]
Archiving a property allows you to “hide” a property for day-to-day use, without actually deleting the property entirely. For example, you may have sold a property at the beginning of the year. Prior to selling the property, you had a few repairs, as well as closing costs that you had to pay as part of […]
There are two metrics located on the Property Details page, “Annual NOI” and “Cap Rate”. These two metrics are very important to real estate investors, as they show how your property is performing on an annual basis. Many real estate calculators use projected cap rate and NOI, while Rentastic uses actual cap rate and NOI. […]
The following steps show how to add a property to Rentastic via the Desktop-version. The mobile version is not described here, but the steps are very similar. From the main screen, select “Properties” from the left menu Click “Add Property” from the top-right corner Fill out the information provided in the next screen. After filling […]